Circadian rhythm from night to evening
Noise level measurement and color change in the CLS
Patient-oriented design for a faster recovery
Circadian effective light system with ambient componentDimensions: 202cm x 126cm x 12.5cmDownload Data Sheet
Circadian effective light system with ambient componentDimensions: 242cm x 152cm x 12.5cmDownload Data Sheet
Circadian effective light system with ambient componentDimensions: 305cm x 202cm x 12.5cmDownload Data Sheet
Circadian effective light system with ambient light and moving animationDimensions: 242cm x 152cm x 12.5cmDownload Data Sheet
Circadian effective light system with ambient light and moving animationDimensions: 305cm x 202cm x 12.5cmDownload Data Sheet
Circadian effective light system with ambient light and moving animationDimensions: 365cm x 202cm x 110cm x 12.5cm
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